March Monthly Gathering
5 March 2017 .
First Sunday of the month as usual, we'll have our monthly gathering/meeting. The gathering always start off with the get together session where members share, exchange, buy and sell their collection. If you miss today's gathering, mark the first Sunday of every month on your calendar, unless it is announce that the gathering is cancel or postpone. It is a fun activity, as you may learn something new. We got few elder members, they are very knowledgeable on philately and history of course. Some picture old postcard are verified by them, as some of the view or building printed on the old postcard can't be found today.
Then Dr.Chua start a discussion about the Stamp Exhibition During the Pesta'1970 ( Festival of Penang 1970 ). The discussion recover some old memories of the elders members and Dr.Chua manage to buy one set of the cover on the spot from Mr. Koay.
For the final hour of the gathering, Mr.Ng share his collection. It is a rare sets of collection on the craig hotel.