May 2017 Monthly Gathering
7 May 2017 Monthly Gathering Bring and Share Theme: Collectibles Item Highlight of the day: old stamp exhibition poster, old gift cards, old movie poster and old documents.
Todays theme is all about collectibles item such as early comics, early movie poster, gift cards and tickets from the 70's and 80's.
Mr. Tan Ching Keat shares about his experience and his collections of collectibles item that exclude stamps and banknotes. His collections are all about early comics, early movie poster, gift cards and tickets from the 70's and 80's. From his sharing, item which are branded are high demand in the market.
What are branded item ??
"Branded" items a item that issued or printed with company features that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the eyes of the customer.
Here is an example from his sharing, an early Coca-Cola issued pocket calendar.
Below are some early stamp exhibition poster shared by a elder member, Mr. Gary Wan.
The poster on the left is our society's very own stamp exhibition's poster from 1986, the event was sponsored by Malaysia Airline, as you can see the icon at the bottom of the poster.
These poster were printed and sent to post office all around Penang to promote the event, Mr. Gary also shared about his memories of his journey all around Penang's post office to obtain the poster after every exhibition event for his own collection.